Happy Customers
Here you can see photos and stories of our happy customers over the years.
Below are our most recent happy customer from 2021!

one of Blueberry's kittens from 2021, a Lilac bicolor

A blue mitted lynx from Pebbles litter

Bluepoint male from Pebble's litter in 2021

One of the boys from Nilla's litter in 2021 and one of Blondies lilac kittens from 2020

Bowser, from Nilla's litter in 2021
Happy customers from 2020

Blondies litter in 2020

Blondies litter in 2020

Sky from Blondies litter in 2020

Hi there! He is doing so well! He is healthy and very spoiled.

Hi! He's doing great! We all love him so much, and everyone else that comes to our house does too!
He's always with us and still hates being alone, so I never wonder where he is!

Wanted to share this picture of Toby at almost 1 and a half. He is the most loving special boy.

Annie and Clyde together Christmas 2017

Clyde sleeping on the trashcan, he is one year old in this photo

Thanks again for raising such nice babies for us!

Jazzpurr all grown up.

Hi Elsie, Jazpurr is a happy camper! He is doing really well. Daisy and Jazpurr sleep side by side. He is eating well and is having no stomach or bowel problems.

We celebrated Toby's second birthday this week :) he's so wonderful, and just keeps getting more & more handsome!

He loves helping with homework, or distracting from homework that is :)

Wanted to share a couple photos I took yesterday of the Munchkin so you could see what a big, beautiful girl she's turning into. :-)

She's the sweetest little cuddlebug :D

Look who was helping me unload my clean dishes! Two seconds and there she was!

We had a nice ride home and she seems to be making herself right at home. She and Sadie, the dog are still getting used to each other. Claudette has eaten both her wet food dinner and breakfast; also quite a little bigger for people food. :-) She is so loving and cuddly, constantly looking for her people attention. Can't believe what a loud purr motor she has.
We just got home from the twins first camping trip and they were little angels! They love playing outside on the grass. They don't mind their harnesses or leashes. If they escape outside, they just lay down and wait for their leash - it's so cute! They were really good in the motorhome!

I can’t believe how much he has grown! He is such a joy for us –full of spunk and silliness. He really enjoys being around his humans. He and my oldest daughter have developed a close bond. I usually find them playing or cuddled up in her bedroom. If the kids aren’t around, Skittles is stalking and chasing me around the house as I do my chores. He has a fetish for feet and socks. He has really done a great job adapting to our schedule –he sleeps when we go to bed and is a pretty good alarm clock in the mornings. He wakes me up by licking my face.
Skittles was fascinated by the snow! Boy, did he want to go out and play!!!! He would watch the kids through the window and just meow and meow! Not fair!
Thanks again for giving us such a wonderful kitten. He is a great addition to our family.

Our cat sitter adores him and comes to visit often.
He is a growing boy! 8.4 pounds when he was neutered and by the time we got back from our trip it looked like he had put on a couple more pounds.
We enjoy his company and ambition. He is getting more and more affectionate and likes to lie on his back on Dexil's lap and nap.
Thanks for raising such wonderful cats.
Hi from Heidi and Paul and Bubba and Bella! We are all doing great. People toilet training is proceeding with mostly success. The kittens are growing up beautifully and we love them dearly and they give us so much in affection back. So far they go on trails on a leash with us, ride in kayaks, travel great distances in the car, and travel in the boat under way without a trace of upset. They are AWESOME cats! Thank you so much!
Hi Elsie,
Nino is doing great, he is in his last stage of toilette training and to my surprise he has learned the whole proses very fast without any accidents he is very intelligent kitten.
I was also very surprise how well he adapted to his new home.The first day we took him home he chose to stay in the guess room so I set up his bed there, but the second day he was all over the place running and jumping; you did an excellent job to create his social skills :) he just love to be with people, now he is next to me following my finger while I type he seems to like my lap-top a lot.
I stared feeding him EVO and he seems to like it a lot but he still have rice and eggs for breakfast and a little bit of tuna by 5pm he seems to be very accustom to his meals because every time his breakfast or dinner is late he meows so laud that you can hear him even in the basement.
I will send you pictures later on when he gets bigger
We are very happy with Nino, he is a wonderful cat.
Hi, She is a real sweetheart, no surprise! Her name is now Ruby. She immediately seemed right at home, very confident but still mellow and affectionate. She's eating well (and I never before thought I would cook for a cat!). Her appointment to meet our vet is this weekend, for her third shot. We have two older cats, and they are getting used to her, not too much hissing anymore. They are touching noses and making some contact. Our daughter's chihuahua is her favorite playmate since they are both frisky. She loves playing in the cube you gave us. Ruby has been sleeping with us and is very cuddly in the mornings. We totally enjoy having her in our family. Thanks again. One of these days we'll get a good picture of her and send it to you. Thanks!